Friday, July 24, 2009

Thank You God for.....

List five trials and tribulations in your life and the miracles that they lead to.

5 trials...

1. i deal with depression every day.

~it makes me thankful for the little things (the moments that i FEEL happy, i don't take those for granted because they are few...)

2. i don't have a consistent job/income

~it makes me trust God - for everything.

3. i have dehabilitating fear that keeps me from being able to take steps to be successful at accomplishing my goals (of getting a job, being more social, being confident enough to move out...)

~the fear has caused me to seek out help (counseling), but nothing goes away over night so i still daily- sometimes hourly- deal with it (every time i have to make a decision i face the fear).

4. making wise choices

~i am forced to make decisions on how to use my time. do i use it wisely? do i waste it?

5. have little confidence/self worth

~have to realize that my worth comes from God.

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