Friday, May 29, 2009

prayer list...


right now my prayer list seems to be growing and growing. there are sooo many hurting and with each one my heart hurts. You have given me the gift of empathy, yet i need to be careful to guard my heart as i use it otherwise i end up hurting- and how does that help anyone else? there are needs sooo simple as just help me to have the energy to get up today, to sickness and death. part of being in a fallen world i know. help me to keep everyone in prayer. to lift them to You and when i don't know how to intercede, have the Spirit take over on my behalf. help me to be faithful and take the time to focus on them and their need. help me grow closer to YOU and truly trust that however YOU choose to answer my prayers is BETTER than my way. hold me in YOUR arms of love- and wrap YOUR arms around each one on my list. help them to feel YOUR comfort. truly make a difference and give them the desire to draw close to YOU at this time.


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