Sunday, June 2, 2013

Five dollars…


It ‘s amazing to see the ways in which God takes care of me. Yesterday as I was walking annie I found a $5 bill. Who knew that it would actually save me from worrying too much about my finances AND that I would end up with a very precious, personal gift from God.

long journey....

Today (6-2-13) Shasta and I made the long journey all the way to Garden Grove. Still trying to figure out how to take care of Shasta. She has this abscess on her tail (and the only reason I found out what it was called was I went down to the animal humane clinic in Garden Grove and they told me there was nothing that they could do for me and directed me to a full servic clinic they work with in Garden Grove).  Ok, long story short she needs surgery to remove it or her tail may have to be amputated (it’s in a really hard place to operate).

Saturday, May 18, 2013



Word’s are weird.

They are a used in language to express oneself.

To communicate.

Whether it be emotions,



They describe what one is feeling…





They tell stories

They tell lies

They tell secrets



~by Christy Matt

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Convo with God:


God: Christy how was your day?


Me: it was ok, much better than yesterday. I’m starting to feel that tummy ache, yucky nervousness again. Why can’t I not feel nervous? Why does my tummy have to hurt?


God: do you trust ME?


Me: I want to…


God: but do you? I could give you My PEACE that passes all understanding. I could give you sweet rest.


Me: why is it soooo hard to trust? Why can’t I simply let go and RELEASE it into Your hands? Why do I have to try to hold on sooo tightly?


God: I made you and I have designed your personality to want control. To want order. And when things don’t go according to plan it stresses you out. Because of this you need to work a little harder to let go. You are trying to hold onto the control, the order, the having to know what comes next. I AM a God who is creative, loves to think outside the box, loves to let His creation create… you, Christy, have a gift- a creativeness given to you by Me. When you are able to step outside yourself and reach out to others they begin to get a tiny glimpse of who I AM.


Me: God I want others to see You through me but I’m scared with this overwhelming anxiety and depression. I don’t know how to move beyond the disorder and I let it get the best of me. In fact I begin to let it identify me. God I want to be a light for You. I’m failing in my own strength, so please let Your strength takeover.

a few things that I'm Thankful for….


1.  a nice bed

2. a home

3.  warmth in the winter, coolness in the summer.

4. a great family

5. medicine to help me cope

6. a relationship with God

7.  salvation

8. Shasta

9. beau and my other furry friends (annie, fluffy, moose, Baxter, jake and molly…)

10. ministry

11. church

12. a job to go to

13. my ipad, ipod, phone, computer…

14. my books

15. Candles, scentsy, Christmas lights, scents…

16. shower gels

17. books

18. fuzzy blankets…


Saturday, November 5, 2011

a good day...

most people would say that a good day consists of success, things going their way, getting promotions, success of family and friends...

for me a good day is a day where i get out of bed and don't feel sad or anxious.

yesterday was a good day. one of the first in weeks. i actually smiled and laughed a little. i didn't feel sad. i didn't feel anxious.

thank YOU, GOD, for blessing me and giving me the gift of a good day.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

a job...God's timing....

after a year and 8 months God has chosen to bless me with a job. it's interesting how the timing worked out. i had temped at the anaheim skin center over christmas time (i was covering for a pregnancy leave) and had to leave in february. since then i got my insurance license and have temped for the summer kids care program at the church...

i got a call the last week in august and was asked to come back to the anaheim skin medical center full time. i am now in training to do medical billing. again i am taking over a job because one of the staff had a baby and decided to stay at home with her new daughter. AMAZING. God's timing.